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What Is HTML? A Little Bit About HTML | Web Tutorial

Today I Am Going To Tell You That
What Is HTML And How It's Work?

1.What Is HTML:

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) Mostly Used For Web Pages & Web Applications Creation. HTML Commands Are Known As TAGS. HTML Tags Normally Come In Pairs, For Heading, Link(URL), Paragraph, Quote, List, etc. We Used TAGS For Start < And For End > Like: <a>, And <a> is Called Element. The Text Between Start And End Tags is Called by Element Content. HTML Provides No Programming Capabilities. It Only Provides Formatted Text, Pictures And Sounds etc. HTML Is A Simple But Powerful Language, Any Person Can Use HTML Easily To Create Webpages.

1.1 Create Web Pages Using HTML:

We Mostly Use These Two Ways For Creation HTML Web Pages.
  1. Notepad / Text Editor: We Can Use Window's Official Notepad For Create Webpages. Otherwise You Should Download And Install Notepad++(A Simply Software For Create Webpage).
  2. Platform: A Platform Is That, Where We Can Easily Make Our Websites(Blogs). The Most Platform Use For Making Websites(Blogs) Are, WordPress, Blogger, Weebly, Wix.

1.2 Basic Structure Of HTML Document:

Started And Ended Tags For HTML Website:



Start And End TAG Of HTML Inform To Browser That The Document Is An HTML File. Other Tags Instead Of HTML Must Be Written It Withing These Tags.
Note: HTML Tags Are Not Case Sensitive.
We Basically Divided HTML In Two Sections,

  • HTML Section
  • Body Section

1.2.1 Head Section:

In <Head> And </Head> We Add <Title></Title> Tag, And In TITLE We Write Website's Title, In This Section We Can't Write More Then 60 Characters.

1.2.2 Body Section:

This Section Will Ever Start With <Body> And End With </Body> Tag.

1.3 Most Used HTML TAGS:

Here Is Some HTML Tag I'm Going To Show You. These Tags Are Most Used In HTML Language.

1.3.1 Heading:

For Create Heading We Use <h> Tag.
There Are Many Tags For Heading Like:
  • <h1>
  • <h2>
  • <h3>
  • <h4>
  • <h5> and
  • <h6> 

This Is 1st Heading

This Is 2nd Heading

This Is 3rd Heading

This Is 4th Heading

This Is 5th Heading

This Is 6th Heading

1.3.2 Link / "The href Attribute":

<a href="Link Url" title="Title Of Link" Target="_blank">Link Name / This Is A Link</a>
href is For URLTitle is For Link's Description & Target is For Which Window Will URL Open.

1.3.3 Image:

To Add Image You Must Create This Code.
<img src="Image Link" title="Title Of Image" alt="Alternative Name"/>
Src Is For Url Of Image, Title For Title Of Image And Alt Is For Alternative Name Of Image(If Image Will Not Load, Then Alternative Name Of Image Will Show Instead Of Image).

1.3.4 Paragraph:

For Adding Any Paragraph We Use <p></p> Tag, Like:
<p>This is A Paragraph...</p>

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Paaris Sohail


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